Members of the Melbourne AWS User Group Inc. have an important role to play in the running of the Melborne AWS User Group.
Anyone over the age of 15 can be a member of the association. However, as our events and digital channels exist for the benefit of the community as a whole, not just members, we generally restrict membership of the association to regular attendees and active volunteers. This is to keep the adminstrative overhead of managing an association down.
The rights and duties of a member of the Melbourne AWS User Group Inc. are:
More information about membership can be found in the association rules.
Most likely you will be invited to become a member of the association when you are an active volunteer or contributer.
Applications to become a member must be submitted in writing to the committee at The committee will need to consider your application as soon as practical and approve or reject it by a formal resolution at the next committee meeting.
There is no annual fee for becoming a member; the Melbourne AWS User Group’s income is solely from sponsorship.